The last 10 minutes of the night is what everyone leaves with. Planning the end is almost more important than the first 10 minutes.
Some ideas that might help!
- The Last Dance: This song should be well thought out and could be another special song. Perhaps the Bride picks the first dance and the Groom the last dance. You are surrounded by your closest family and friends. A Slower song is not a bad choice. This is when you get to come back together and share a moment. The final moment will be as special as the first.
- Casual Exit: Casual exits means you stick around and say goodbye to those who have stayed. Figure one-minute per person times the amount of people still there. If you have 40 close friends and family that will probably stick around the whole night, figure about 45 minutes following to say goodbye etc.
- Send off: Get out of there and on to other stuff! Make sure your car is packed and ready. This should be done earlier than later so that you are not gone during the last 10 minutes. Have a sendoff song. Make sure the venue doesn’t have any rules about sparklers or bubbles etc. Know where your guests should line up to wish you off. Make sure there is pictures being taken of you leaving.
- Car Decorating: This can be a fun thing but also a disaster. Friends who go over board can make the sendoff a nightmare. If you think your friends could go overboard think ahead. Perhaps rent-a-car or a limo might be a good investment.
- Clean up: Have a plan so you don’t have to worry about the cleanup. Also make sure that vendors or decorators or even family wait to after you are gone to start the cleanup. Anxious cleanup gives the feeling of closure on the party. I have seen parties end early because of cleanup starting too early.
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